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Vertigo Care in Ponsonby

Vertigo can be highly distressing and often debilitating; it is a symptom that creates the feeling of spinning or dizziness, usually due to disturbances in the inner ear or nervous system. This disorienting sensation may affect balance, making daily chores difficult to perform. Generally, vertigo indicates an underlying condition that needs to be addressed.

Common Symptoms

  • Dizziness or sensation of the room spinning
  • Nausea, vomiting, or motion sickness
  • Difficulty maintaining balance or feeling confused
  • The sensations of falling or swaying

The Main Causes

Vertigo has many contributing factors. A common one is a condition known as BPPV, or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, where tiny crystals in the inner ear dislodge and trigger an attack of vertigo.

Other causes include viral infections and bacterial infections of the inner ear, which can cause malfunctions in balance. Cervical spine misalignment causes disturbances in neurological messages pertaining to balance, furthering the development of symptoms.

How Chiropractic Care May Help

Our chiropractor helps manage vertigo by realigning the spine and improving nervous system activity using the following techniques:

  • Diversified Technique: Manual adjustments that correct misalignments in the cervical spine, improving communication between the nervous system and the inner ear, which can help alleviate symptoms.
  • Activator Methods: The Activator tool delivers a controlled, low-force adjustment to the cervical spine, gently correcting misalignments in the spine that may be contributing to symptoms.
  • Sacro Occipital Technique-SOT: With this method, wedge-shaped blocks are used to align the pelvis and head to improve balance and normal nervous system function.
  • Thompson Technique: A full spine technique in which a special table is applied in making adjustments to the spine with precision at low force that may act to reduce symptoms.

Massage therapy may also be incorporated into your care plan if your chiropractor determines it will aid in relieving muscle tension and improving the overall effectivenss of your care.

Find Balance and Relief, Starting Today

If vertigo is affecting your life, consider chiropractic care, which offers a natural and nonsurgical solution. Contact Ponsonby Chiropractic today to book an appointment. We want to help you stop the spinning.



Vertigo Care Ponsonby, Auckland AUK | 09 3780069